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OMG!!! I just was looking through my email and also checking my "sent" box (to make sure I am up-to-date with everyone) and I saw I have somehow been...I don't know, my email was stolen??? There is SPAM email sent from MY screen name to many of you and I did NOT do this!!! Please I hope no one thinks I did this!!! I am canceling this email address effective immediately. I will make a note of people I have been in contact with recently and send you my new email and will not post my address online again. Please all be careful! I am not computer savvy so I really don't know how this happened, only thing I can think of is that I made it available online. Ugh, this is the first time anything like this has happened to me and I am having a BAD week as it is so this just tops it off so whatever LOSER did this THANKS A LOT, hope you are happy!!! And so sorry to all of you great women who also ended up on the receiving end of this idiot!!


Hi Strongspirit, this is a virus and it happens to a lot of people, I have had it twice and it was a really rude email that was sent from my email to everyone of my contacts, I sent email explaining. I was slightly embarassed about my university contacts, lols.

The moment you open the 'email' it taps into your contacts and then sends. Pretty much harmless but very stupid. Anyone can get it, its random. Dont worry about it.
I had three about a month ago but I recognised the heading and deleted without opening it, that solves the problem, seems the silly virus was doing its rounds again.


Should I recover my screen name and keep using it, or is it best I just keep it deleted now and use the new one? Thanks!


I will ask my coworker whom is a computer whiz. I would probably use the new one & scrap the old one.


Abby or Strongspirit, do you think you can give us an address or topic to watch out for so as not to open that type of email. Thank you for the warnings. The women here always watch out for each other. I just love this forum and all you girls.



The ONLY thing I can think of is I got an email saying "message undelivered". It had an attachment on it (which I did not open). As I scrolled down, I couldn't see anything that would make sense (someone I sent to that didn't get the message) so I marked it as spam. This was the only suspicious thing I got recently and I thought I handled it appropriately but maybe not. I also just got a credit card fraud warning, so I have to call about that too ($9 spent out of state at 4am!). I don't know if the 2 are connected or if it's just coincidence. Makes me sad and angry some people have nothing better to do. If I order online I don't have my info saved and I make sure its says https at the beginning. Computers are a blessing and a curse, I am sure most would agree! And yes, it IS embarrassing...!!!!


Make sure when you order something online it also has the little picture of a yellow lock-this indicates it is a protected secure site. Unfortunately, the internet is a wonderful thing but there is always going to be some Ahole! that preys on accessing personal information
from others online. Ladies don't open any email from someone that you don't know & for all of you FB lovers such as myself, don't post any personal information! Aside from the internet, Ladies always be aware of your surroundings, especially at night & don't readily give out any personal info. to anyone.


The emails I received just had a randome name as title, for example 're; John Philips', but it was sent from my mothers computer. I didnt open it and just deleted it. my mother had got the email opened it but not forwarded it, the virus just forwarded itself to all her contacts. I say 'all' it was just me and my uncle, lols.

snopes.com is a good sight to check out real viruses and hoaxes, just click on computers in snopes.

http://www.hoax-slayer.com/ is another site you can check.

Hope that helps.


Hey, I have had 2 now from your email, they were for Viagra! of all things, I just deleted them. The subject line showed "no subject" and I thought it was weird that you would be sending links to this crap. I will let you know if I get anything again, thanks for letting us know.


Thank you everyone, good to know all we can. I will keep all this in mind.

Here is something that happened to me once, not to do with a computer, but in ordering something and finding out what to do when things go wrong. I once ordered an exercise tape off a TV infomercial. When I was on the phone ordering, half way through the process, a woman kept asking me things like, would you like to get a set of these...no just the tape I said. She then continued to ask if I would like this or that or more of something else and each time I clearly said, just the one tape please and I put the charge on a credit card.

About a week later I get a box with my tape and 5 other tapes I did not order and see that it is all charged to my credit card...this was bologna. I called the company and told them I did not order anything, but the one tape. The lady then stated that the sales person had it down that I ordered the others. I said I specifically ordered the one tape and said a firm "No" to every other question that was asked. I got no where so I asked to speak to someone in charge.

A manager came on and said she was sorry but the sales person has it down that you ordered the other things as well. I asked her if these sales people work on commission and she didn't answer, but I knew from the way she acted they did....THEN I remembered something they did to protect themselves and I used it to prove my case instead of the other way around. I said...when I came on the phone to order I was told my conversation would be taped. I told her to go get the tape and she would hear every no I pronounced clearly. She asked me if she could call me back shortly. I agreed...5 minutes later she called back...said she could not find my tape...but told me she would be nice and cancel the extra tapes off my credit card. Sure she could not find it, just didn't want to admit what that sales person did for commissions.

Then she told me to mail the tapes back. I said no problem, can you send me a box or stamp to put them in and mail them back. She said no, they did not do that. I told her look, I will gladly mail these back, but I am not going to pay to ship these video tapes back with my money when I did not even order them. She got huffy and said they would like the tapes back to erase the charge on my bill. I said fine....let me mail them back postage due, but she said I could not do that either. Anyways to make a long story short I told her I had an incident before where I called the Better Business Bureau and they had told me anything I did not order that came to my home...I could keep. I told her she would need the tape to prove that I did order them and that if they had the tape anyways they would know I said no to each question.

I then told her again that I wasn't looking to even keep these tapes, but I was not paying to mail them back. I said if you would like them just sent a paid stamp and I will put them in the mail as soon as I received one. Never did and ended up with 5 free tapes I never really ordered or wanted to keep.

But I will tell you this. My divorce taught me to stand up for myself and the old me would have not pushed to fight for what was fair. I am no longer a door mate for my ex and I know what I deserve and how I deserve to be treated. I am a stronger person and a happier one also. This is why I say don't let these men make you feel bad about yourself. You all deserve to fight for what is fair...it is YOUR life don't let divorce make you a victim...let it turn you into a victor...in all things.
