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I am so angry right now I can't stand it. It's been almost 3 months since the ******* left me and over two months since I found out it was for someone else. What made it worse was that when he walked out I was months pregnant with our second child. I've been trying so hard to get over this and to not let it effect how I am parenting but it's hard. If he wouldn't be such a half ass parent I think it would be easier. It's like, either be there or don't. He talks so hard about how he will fight for his kids yet he disrespects me at every chance he gets. I just had our son on Sunday and I didn't have him at the birth, I couldn't bear it. After all he has put me and his son through (and his 3 year old daughter) I felt that I needed to be there with my son alone to make sure that I could bond with him when he came. Well, my ex was "devastated," called me crying and everything. I felt bad for a day and then remembered all the things he did while I was still pregnant that were so cruel. He had my daughter around his new girlfriend 3 weeks after we split (my 3 year old is the one who informed me that he was with someone else). He didn't offer to help me with anything at the house or even call to see if I was okay. I didn't gain any weight for the last 6 weeks of my pregnancy, Now he's coming to my house to see his son and doesn't even have enough respect to not answer his girlfriend's phone calls or texts in my presence. He came today with a neck full of hickies and when I saw him standing there holding my son with those marks on his neck I lost it. i told him if he couldn't start respecting me when he came to my house then he couldn't come. He went off saying that we'll go to court for custody, blah blah blah. I usually would give in and rise above, but I've decided that I am doing the right thing and setting an example for my children that you do not let people treat you this way. Sorry this is so long, I'm just so angry and heart broken. After 8 years and 2 children he threw me away like I was trash for some other b**** (sorry ladies, I usually don't use this word, but I'm upset). I feel like how could he leave me, what's wrong with me and why is she better. I want to do what's best for my children, but at the same time I think what kind of example is he setting for my daughter on how women should be treated and the same goes for my son. I can't believe that I chose to breed with this man!!!!! But at the end of the day I'm still sad that he doesn't want me anymore. WHY???????? When will I feel better and not jealous and hurt and angry. I want to not care and be like oh well I didn't want him anyway, but I don't feel that way right now.


I am so sorry for what you are going through, you are not garbarge ot trash. Shame on him for leaving you as you were about to give birth. You will survive this and you will heal and get stronger everyday, I am praying for you, Love, Kris/Kat


I think you are a nice woman and mother. You cannot reverse the time and something you don't know. You must move forward rebuilding your life with your kids. Try not to be narcissist. Invite your friends and relatives to your house and have always people next to you. Talk to them about everything to beat your pain with your other tasks. Make up new friends. Realize for yourself that there was no love and respect between two of you. You cannot lie to yourself since he already left and that is final. Do not try going back and finding out why and when he turned back from you. It is useless job and will create more pain for you from your memories. Think about your custody and other related to divorce issues. Do not talk to him or call for any explanations. Ignore his presence. You are better. There is always a man out there for you, you don't know yet. You are not ready yet. If you feel bad cry loudly take a shower and calm down. Never repeat your thoughts from one day to another. Move forward. You will get released soon when you will compare yourself within a week. One day he will be another pedestrian for you and you will smile in the mirror thinking about you date/boufriend/new_husband. Do not repeat your mistakes.