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an attorney who harmed me

I had an attorney who misled me terribly. So much so that my ex actually bragged to his family that she was their best "weapon" against me. Is there anything I can do?

Re: an attorney who harmed me

UGH! That really sucks..best thing to do is get a new attorney and see if he/she can do damage control. Make him eat his words.
My first attorney just didn't do anything, new attorney is still trying to figure out how all could have been so neglected. Good Luck

Re: an attorney who harmed me

Can you go back to court & represent yourself?

Re: an attorney who harmed me

Not sure about defending yourself...I'm at that cross roads with child support/taxes hearing and it scares me to death. I just can't afford to have my attorney there. $1000 a hearing is just to much for me when I know my ex is planning on taking me back to court for every other stupid thing he can think of.
My ex of course has his attorney there for EVERYTHING, but Mommy pays so why not?

Re: an attorney who harmed me

I discharged my first attorney. I sent him a certified letter, then I had to go into his office and sign some papers to have him discharged. I next found myself a new attorney. I had to pay more to get one that would get the job done, but I'm much happier with this one's advice.