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moving out of the country

I have been divorced for seven yrs now but im about to get married to a man who is in the military. My exhusband has already warned me that he would not let me take the kids out of the country. He has lived in CA for the past 7 yrs and i live in South Texas. He has only come to see them once but does talk to them a lot. Can he prohibit me from taking them since my new soon to be husband might be sent out to Germany. What can i do? We have asked him if he would let my new partner adopt them and he refused. He is a fisty one and made our divorce a nightmare. I ended up paying for our divorce cuz it turned into a custody battle. Plz what can i do?

Re: moving out of the country

I dont know your states laws but I would start with compiling the facts... He can still talk to them often no matter where they are... If you can show proof that he has not taken advantage of his parental visitations you are one step ahead of him. Does he pay his support regularly? Once you are married - this is good, very good... No one would expect you to not be with your husband, even a judge. They may require you to pay for regular visits to their father because you are the one moving... Hope this helps or at lest offers some encouragement. I dont think there is anyway to get out of court on this one. Try maybe mediation. ? Also where was the divorce, if it was in your current state - file the papers for permission to move them - if he doesnt respond or show up you win automatically..