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my ex hates my bf

Is there any way that my ex husband can deny my visitation of my children or change the custody that is court ordered because he has a problem with my current live in boyfriend? He says he will take my rights away as long as my boyfriend lives with me. He has a lawyer, whereas I do not have the money for one, so I am very upset about all of this. Please anyone knowing about this situation give me some advice =) thank you! and good luck to all!!! you may reply to my email address
Jess_Handshoe @yahoo.com

Re: my ex hates my bf

If he is your ex husband and it is not stated that you can not have a live in boyfriend in your divorce decree then the only thing your ex can do is take you back to court and have the visitation agreement changed. Most judges will not honor you ex's request to control your current and future sex life, but I have seen some pretty wierd rulings.
Unitl he has a court order stating this then he must comply with the current visitation schedule and if he does not you can take him back to court for contempt, failure to comply with the court order.