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When my stbx moved out he moved in with his Dad. We have an acreage only 2 miles from his Dad's house-WAY too close! Anyway, he thought it would be perfect. He'd be close and could help out with the kids, etc. Yeah, when it's convenient for him! Which, I might add, isn't very often. He likes to take them and have fun, but as for the responsibility, hands off. My oldest son has a basketball game tomorrow night starting at 9:00. (That's a whole other soap box I could hop on.) Obviously that's too late to have my 8 year old out. My mother-in-law (she is divorced from stbx's dad) had planned to come and sit for my youngest, but called yesterday that she wouldn't be able to. We were brainstorming options and Jerk was going to call a friend and get a sitter's number. He will just happen to be out of town for a few nights. At 4:00 today, after we had tried to call him since noon with no response, I went and found a sitter. Then he stops by with some papers for me and says he's arranged to have his dad come and stay with the youngest. The same man that told me he thought we should separate, the same man that told me that I was inflexible and impossible to live with, the same man that has made life hell for me for 14 years. Where does he get off inviting that man into my home? I told him I wasn't comfortable having his dad in my home and I'd stick with the sitter I'd arranged for. I wonder what can of worms I have opened now.

Re: Jerk!

Hope it all works out Becky. I am always left to wonder that can of worms I have opened. If I just sit here and live my life I **** him off, if I am in his face yelling I **** him off. It doesn't seem to matter when it comes to these men, they are angry people and don't care what happens as long as if benefits them