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Re: Left us with nothing

Also, look into filing for disability again. You have a right to it and they make it hard to obtain, but I have heard that if you keep on them and on them, you will win if you are persistent. Do you have a doctor who will help you stay on it document wise...If a doctor documents again and again that you have these disabilities, you should keep filing. I have heard that you never get disability on your first try. They do it this way to weed out those that do not really need it. My mom is on disability though and she had to file 3 times. You need it!
No shampoo? you need your basic needs met. Where are you at? is there a Salvation Army in your area? How about a Catholic Social Services? places that help those with nothing? Hook yourself to your local charities...you are in need at this point and that is what they are there for. Reach out and you will be surprised to see those who have these basic needs for people in these types of situations, they are out there....
(((HUGS))) you are not alone~

Re: Left us with nothing

If you have a 16 year old you probably have access to a school guidance counselor. The guidance counselor should be able to put you in touch with agencies that can offer support so your child has what is needed. Hurting and praying for you. Let us know what you find out. Hugs.

Re: Left us with nothing

Thank you Becky. My daughter is taking accelerated courses on line. Provost is a wonderful school. She is doing a great job and is now able to schedule her work with school.
God bless home schooling.....never thought I'd be a homeschool mom. It is fantastic. Better than her high school. She loves it. Tutors, one on one teachers, no drama. It's all good for her.
Thank you my dear. Lisa

Re: Left us with nothing

Dear Blindsided. Your help is much appreciated. I am thankful for this site and for you and all of the other women reaching out. No, NONE of us are alone. I am taking your advice and know that people care. My pulse has slowed, my heart is fuller, my spirit is stronger. Thank you. Thank you. Love, Lisa

Re: Left us with nothing

Lisa, about the disability, I have heard that it is normal procedure for them to turn everyone down the first time you apply.
A lawyer will help you get the disability and you won't have to pay him until you start getting disability. When you start getting it, they (social security disability) will pay you a lump sum back to the day you applied. Your lawyer will take a percentage of that lump sum.

Re: Left us with nothing

Thank you all for your input! I have to find a lawyer in just a couple of days. Thanksgiving/Holiday hell is not in my favour. I found a site that has the paper work. I can print out an appeal for support, just, really don't know what I'm doing......Dec 17 is looming. As I understand it, I print out everything, fill out all of the papers, take them to the clerk of court and she will copy them for me and get them notarized. 150.00 covers it. I will be able to do this. We have shampoo now and, my daughter got a little part time job. My brother in law is going to help us. He is a jewel that knows right from wrong. I told him I did NOT want to get him in the middle. This is his family. He understands and still wants to help us.

My husband and his brother own the house we are in. My brother in law does not want to sell, he has lived in the same house for 35 years.[It was his grandparents home, my husband and brother in law bought it 7 years ago.] He is slightly mentally challenged. Has had the same job for 27 years and loves his work. His Mother and brother are pressuring him to sell the house....We would all be out, and have to find an apartment. Makes no sense and my brother in law knows this. We are standing strong. I just can't wrap my brain around all of the documents and am desperately doing my home work.

I was absolutely shocked when my husbands lawyer called me in. He seems to be on my side. I thanked him for his honesty and candor and told him that I realize I am not his client and he did not have to tell me anything, but, I was grateful that he did.
My husband has a job and an apartment in Mass. somewhere.....
I do know that I shall not give up on the disability. Keep trying.
To think, that ten years ago, I ran down the halls of nursing homes, and worked part time as a waitress.....It is unsettling to acknowledge that you can no longer do these things.

My rheumatologist is going to write a letter stating that he has been treating me for 7 years. My husband says "She is fine. I don't think she is ill." He used to take me there. To my other doctors as well. Spinal surgery, screws in my neck, bone donors. He knows.
Thank you for letting me vent. I never do this. None of us have, have we? Good place to be. Thank you. With love, Lisa

Re: Left us with nothing

There are usually fee waivers also to file if you are unable to afford to pay for court fees. You might check to see if your county has this.
Have you tried a domestic violence agency in your area to see if they have ways to help? That might be another option. He may not have been physically abusive but most certainly abandonment is cruel & I think may qualify you for some help (maybe some basic needs, the shampoo, etc).

Re: Left us with nothing

Thank you Claire. I am working every avenue right now. So many things to do, so little time. Thanksgiving is mucking things up. EVERYBODY is on vacation. We have shampoo now. And, food. We will get through. Love and thanks. Lisa

Re: Left us with nothing

Thank you. Very much. Love, Lisa

Re: Left us with nothing

You and your daughter are in my thoughts. Blessings and we will get through this~