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Re: Anyone know?

Is he planning to claim them on his income tax return? If it's in the settlement agreement, then he can do that, even if they don't live with him.

Re: Anyone know?

Don't give them to him. My ex wanted them so that he could claim them on his taxes last year. Funny I have a hearing today to determine who gets to claim them this year. I DO. I talked to IRS a few days ago and there are so many laws about that. Just be careful ask him why he wants them. If he says insurance reasons, tell him you will call insurance and give them info. For any reason tell him you will do the calls or paper work. He don't need them. No one can give them to him. Just be careful. He is up to something...

Re: Anyone know?

So by not giving them to him I won't be found in any sort of non-compliance even though we have joint legal custody?

Re: Anyone know?

Maybe. I think I would find out WHY he needs them first before I just gave them to him.

Re: Anyone know?

He's been so side-tracked with the divorce papers and his inability to have complete control of my life he didn't even ask about the SS numbers today. Doesn't seem like it must be too urgent

Re: Anyone know?

my stbx is the same way. he is their BUDDY not their dad, he will pick them up from school to watch tv untill i get off work, thats about it, he wont help with their homework, get the, ready for bed, read to them, most times he wont even brush their teeth! its aggravating, but i dont know what else to do, i cant make him do the dad stuff, i just pick up the slack when i get them.

As far as the SSN's i know i had to have them for th divorce paperwork ( i did ours) i think for the child support order and parenting plan pages if i remeber right. other than that i dont know what he might need them for, i know in cali you need both parents signature for a passport so other than that i dont know

Re: Anyone know?

Sheila, you did your divorce papers? Did you do it online? I need to know if it's totally OK to do it that way. [Ask for spousal support] I have no idea what I'm doing. And, I consider myself to be fairly well educated.................