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Re: Anyone know?

my stbx is the same way. he is their BUDDY not their dad, he will pick them up from school to watch tv untill i get off work, thats about it, he wont help with their homework, get the, ready for bed, read to them, most times he wont even brush their teeth! its aggravating, but i dont know what else to do, i cant make him do the dad stuff, i just pick up the slack when i get them.

As far as the SSN's i know i had to have them for th divorce paperwork ( i did ours) i think for the child support order and parenting plan pages if i remeber right. other than that i dont know what he might need them for, i know in cali you need both parents signature for a passport so other than that i dont know

Re: Anyone know?

Sheila, you did your divorce papers? Did you do it online? I need to know if it's totally OK to do it that way. [Ask for spousal support] I have no idea what I'm doing. And, I consider myself to be fairly well educated.................