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Re: Teens and visitation

I agree. It used to be if you didnt pay child support you didnt get your visitation... I AGREE wish it was still that way!!! Now if you lose your job or something I understand - go to the court explain the situation, but take responsibility... If I didnt buy food my kids CPS would take them away! But they (non custodial parents, women or men) just figure this is "extra" money for us?? ??? grrr...
Talked with my kids. Told them they HAVE to start NOW telling him they dont want to go for Christmas... My son refuses to "run" away- Daughter would... Told him its more like a play that we put on for the courts and their father... I dunno whats gonna happen....

Re: Teens and visitation

Wishing you luck. My kids are 8 and 11. I, too, tell them they have to tell their dad how they feel. Now, if your kids make the time together completely miserable, chances are "Dad" will think twice before another extended stay. Not that I want your kids to be miserable, but we all know teens can make things very unpleasant when they decide to.