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Re: Think I made a mistake

Thank you so much for your comments. Yes I need 'me' time. Doing it will be the hardest thing but I know its what I must do.

Re: Think I made a mistake

Excellent! We are here to support you. Please keep us up-to-date and when you feel down we are here to lift you up.

Re: Think I made a mistake

Good luck, Abbey. Let us know how things are going. You're in our thoughts and prayers. Hugs.

Re: Think I made a mistake

Thanks Becky

Im at the edge of a cliff and about to jump with no idea how things will turn out....

Re: Think I made a mistake

I recommend taking a step back and asking yourself what you admire, respect and cherish in a partner regarding character and fundamental values. Did your husband fulfill these qualities? If not then why would you want to go back with him? Ask the same questions about yourself. I believe women truly choose partners at the level of their self esteem. If you are feeling depressed, insecure or bad about yourself, you may be vulnerable towards making decisions that aren't healthy for you. No man defines you or your happiness. It sounds like you have some soul searching & healing to go through. In the meantime be kind to yourself.

Re: Think I made a mistake

Thank you Sue and actually my self esteem has taken a knock of late. I do feel that my partner deserves someone better than me, hes a good guy and Im very all over the place, which he doesnt deserve.
As for my ex, well he is so many things all rolled into one and it depends which one I am dealing with. It appears that he wants so desperately to get things right but insists that he needs me to be able to do it.

I know he shouldnt need anyone, thing is yes the marriage had its problems (which he recognises) but he wasnt like he is now. People did respect his ability to get things done, his drive and ambition. Now he's just a big mess. One good thing is that his arrogance seems to have got burried to a degree.

Today was a hard day and didnt go too well.
It would seem I now have insomnia...thats a new one, usually I escape to sleep.