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Re: I need help with resources/links how to leave hubby and how to get where I want to go.

I think going to a new place is good. But baby steps might be better. There are apartments in winter garden based on income. And disney is a short ride from there. Get a used car and a job at disney and start saving a little and learn how to be a little independant before going so far. And then you will be on your feet a little better. Not sure that is want you wanted to hear but my opinion lol the apartments are called Osprey landing in winter garden.

Re: I need help with resources/links how to leave hubby and how to get where I want to go.

Thanks for the reply. I do understand about little baby steps, but I do not want to live in the same state as my hubby. I never wanted to live in Florida in the first place and have been wanting to move for so many years. Been here about 30 years too long. Also I'm a little afraid to be in the same state with him, because of something he said recently. Thinking about getting a gun. He never wanted one before. he doesnt even know how to shoot one. He doesnt' like to drive out of state because he gets lost easily and thinks Lousiana is kind of a redneck state. He's Chinese and his English speaking is about 60 % understandable but he cant read English very well..I will feel safer in another state, near a relative. A relative who is BIG with many guns himself.
I have wanted to move near my cousin ever since I visited his hometown and saw the beautiful lakes and quiet peaceful town. That's where my heart wants to be. I was my most happiest and at peace when I was there then I have been in a many years. Also his brother, my other cousin has cancer and is getting treatments right now.so I would like to be near him to help out. His daughter and two grand kids live with him in his 2 bedroom trailer or maybe he would put me up. But don't really want to ask. I would have money to live on for a few months,rent food etc, but would need to find a job. I know my cousins wouldn't leave me out in the cold. I just hate to encroach if I don't have to. But, I DO want to live in that town or 1 or 2 towns over. My heart is set on it. The rent is way cheaper then Florida too.
You can rent a one bedroom apt for about $ 500.00 a month plus your utilites, or a room with private bath and use of kitchen ,cable internet etc, for
$ 350.00 a month
Or share rent on a 2 bedroom house for about $ 400.00 per month, all utilities included.
Been checking the online newspaper ads for that area.