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He has totally confused me.

I have a general question. I am wondering why guys can be so confusing. First off i have been married for four years and every six months of those four years i caught my husband cheating. well i finally left him two months ago. When i first left he was ****** off at me and said i was nothing and he never really wanted to marry me. Now, all he talks about is wanting to work things out and that he loves me so much and cant see himself without me or the kids. I am just so confused. How do i really know if he learned his listen? I have left before and came back because he promised but he never changed. I am scared to jump back in it again and risk being hurt again. what do i do? any advice would help. thank you.

Re: He has totally confused me.

Don't go back. Google up STDs, (better yet, look at the images). You want that? Yuck. Respect yourself, especially if he won't. These men like to confuse us. They do this so we can't see the truth because we are not thinking straight. Get away, your mind will clear, and if you want someone in your life, wait, and make sure he truly loves you and respects you. Why settle for less?

Re: He has totally confused me.

I have heard so many stories about men like yours, do NOT ever go back. Once they cross the line and cheat they will continue this pattern for the remainder of their years. These last 8 women you mention are just the beginning or a long and painful road for you. Sorry but he is no good and most likely never will be.

Re: He has totally confused me.

I agree with the other replies. Too many lies, too many OW. Run the other way.

Re: He has totally confused me.

When I allowed myself to think of my ex's affairs I would remember being in sex ED class in school and my teacher saying " If you chose a partner that is sexually active you are sleeping with every woman/man they have ever been with" YUCK! I kicked him out of my bed months before I kicked him out of the house....
Men who cheat,LIE. It is the only way they can cheat. When they lie they can't be trusted. Same as teaching a child that if he cries wolf he will never be trusted. You are worth more than a cheating husband. THere is someone out there who will be faithful to you and it's not him.

Re: He has totally confused me.

Men want what they cannot have. It is all in the chase. Why do you think they cheat? Not because the OW is pretty or smart or rich or fun necessarily but because it is fun to pursue someone and "win" them over. Why do things cool off so fast once people get married or move in together? Because he has "caught" her and then stops trying.

I will never understand men either. It seems like the nice women get dumped on whereas the mean ones get what they want time after time and some dumb man is happy to step and fetch for them. And it is not just the real gorgeous women either who get what they want so I don't know why it hasn't worked for me--ha ha. Do men really like women to be mean to them? It seems that way to me.

I wish I could be mean but it just seems like too much work. I really wonder if men and women should ever get married. I think I will remain single.

If you really want to drive a man crazy, tell him you are a celibate--ha ha.

You are not alone. Men are crazy. My advise--do what you need to do despite how it feels. What would you tell a friend to do?

Re: He has totally confused me.

This is going to be the REST OF YOUR LIFE if you continue to go back. He has continued to do it over the length of four years. he's not going to quit. but I understand its hard to just say no to trying again. that is what i am going through. but I think it gets to a certain point where you just say f you buddy.