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Financial support

I need help, My husband told me he is going to file for divorce and wants us, my daughter and me, to move out. His parents own the house and we moved in here five years ago when I married him.
I am happy to move out but I need some financial help.
I don't make much money, about 1500/mo and he refuses to pay any support. I don't have access to his savings, and I need money to move out.
Is there somewhere I can go to get advice. Or information for him so that he understands that he needs to give me some financial support.

Re: Financial support

Since your marriage was short term (less than 10 years) the chances that he is legally responsible to pay for your support are pretty slim. If you have a joint checking account or a joint savings account you are entitled to half of what is in them and half of any marital property. His home that you moved into is probably still in his name only, correct? if so, the only portion of the home that would be yours is 1/2 of the amount that the home increased in value during you marriage, in todays economy this is probably not much.
You should probably contact legal aide for your city or county, a womens shelter or the county welfare office would be able to point you in their direction. They would be able to help represent you with the divorce but probably will also not see any value in seeking spousal support with such a short term marriage.
If he is the father to your child you will be able to get an immediate order for child support, perhaps this could help you move out.

Re: Financial support

If he is asking you to move out, yes maybe a woman's shelter for advice. Also, if this is the case, you may be eligible for financial help because you would be considered homeless (I believe, not positive on this one). There are apartments that rent lower /subsidized & in some descent areas too, so you might check all of this out & in relation to your circumstances. Most areas have their court information online where you can look up the divorce laws in your area.
When you do rent, keep in mind that there may be rules as to that you have to have a 2 bedroom, not one bedroom since you have a child living with you.
If you can choose an apartment temporarily or small house that is close to your daughter's school & or your work or shopping center, that could help with saving gas & also easy access to activities.
Just thoughts.
I had some want me to rush through the divorce, others would tell me to nail him to the wall as to all of it. I ended up asking for 1/2 of (didn't get any of it but that's another chapter) & gathered as much information along the way as possible.. Try not to rush anything if you can, plan things out, get lots of information & good help. It all takes time anyways (divorce) so it's best to prepare well. That's my advice :).
Take care.

Re: Financial support

Yes, what ever county you live in...the county child support enforcement services will immediately start a case for you. All you have to do is go file. Small fee and a lil paper work. They will take care of the rest. He can loose his liscence not helping you. They will even set up a direct deposit and give you an account for it. Just ask... they are there to help you. They speak for what the child deserves you are taking care of. Stay strong, hold on.

Re: Financial support

Maybe your husband doesn't realize that he's not the person who gets to decide whether or not he will pay spousal support, alimony, or child support. That's up to a judge.

You need to talk to an attorney as soon as possible so you're educated on your rights when he makes statements like this.

Also, you may want to read this: Six Steps to Take When You Feel Divorce is Imminent. I've posted it on this forum before, but it seems like it may help you specifically.

I wish you luck!