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Shattered dreams

I was an impressionable naive 20 YO when I met my husband. Became pregnant and got discharged from the Army. Came to rural America and suffered culture shock from loss of city life (think New York or Boston). I learned to adapt since I married the guy. Became friends and learned to love the guy. Had a rough first three years adjusting. He started several businesses while I started on my college degree. I had a choice of nursing or business. I settled for business since he needed an accountant. Baby is now 15 YO smart-mouth teenager (typical). We had this big plan to create a home on wheels and travel all 49 states (including Alaska). Two years ago he came home with a black eye. Found out it was a woman's husband whom punched him. They were caught in the act before full intercourse could happen. He beg and pleaded with me to forgive him. After a week of soul-searching, I felt he should be given a second chance. Turns out this was a fruitless endeavor. This past tax season while I'm working 10 to god-awful 14 hours a day, he was cheating on me with some nitwit my age! He says that I don't really need him emotionally. She fulfills this void. I just wanted to smack him on the side of his head. Instead I bit my tongue, count for gods sake sheep in my head and just told him to get the f**k out of my house. Next day, I found out he is being investigated in a criminal case. So, I took my 15 YO for a road trip to the Grand Canyon (one item in my bucket list). It took 33 hours driving straight there from the east coast. That was how angry I was. The next week, I tested for STDs (came back negative thank God). I moved out and enrolled my 15 YO in a new school. It was not easy. My child has a lot of anger issues to work through. Me too. I've cashed some of my IRA to hire an attorney to divorce this loser. Life is not perfect. Neither am I. I look forward to the day when my divorce is final. In the meantime, my 15 YO drags my butt out at 4 a.m. to run. He runs, I walk. I think our next road trip will be Yellowstone before the big caldera blows. This time I'll take the plane. My motto is life is too short to be miserable.

Re: Shattered dreams

Actually I enjoyed reading your post but I suspect there is more to all of this (grief & loss stuff).
LOL that your 15 y.o. drags you out to run at 4 a.m.
Well, sounds like you are now Living Life & not experiencing someone else's 2 y.o. behavior (ex).
It does help to be as busy as possible & ultimately not let the loss itself turn one upside down. When they choose to, "opt out," of marriage via having sex with whomever & treat us like dirt.. well waste of time. Again, your story is inspiring.
God Bless.