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Re: Getting over it.

Becky, thanks. It was rather like ACT & RE ACT.
he was Act & I was Re Act. Oh I can relate.
With the abusers though they have patterns & once they are learned, yep, one doesn't have to re act as much or at least when the cycle breaks as it does because it has to start over again & again (cycle of abuse), THEN I was able to stay off the merry go round.

Re: Getting over it.

you guys are all right. it can be so frustrating though. I just learned everything we have been fighting over in terms of him having another kid and all was all a LIE. for what? and now he expects me to take him back. he still cheated though. I asked him why when I'm pregnant would you do this and continue to do things to hurt me? all he could say is I was so mad at you. FOR WHAT?!?! Being ****** at you for lying and cheatting??? SERIOUSLY?!?!?!?! I don't get this b.s

Re: Getting over it.

When my ex would come back and we would try to make it work... I would ask him the same thing...why would you do and say such lies etc...His answer, "Because my lawyer made me say those things." He never even took blame for something if he could push it off on someone else. The funny thing was...if he didn't give his lawyer information that they could twist and use against me, his lawyer would have no lies to comeback with in the first place and I don't believe it was all his lawyer anyways...My ex thinks everyone is an idiot and is going to believe his lies. It's an ego thing. Just glad I don't have to live with him anymore. I still have to deal with him...but I can shut my door at the end of the day.


Re: Getting over it.

My ex struggled with ego issues too. Always caring about appearances, was ok with lying instead of being honest with others & himself. He flip flopped on things so often & would not walk a straight path of what was real for him. SO, he unravelled all of what coulda shoulda been.
YEP it's ego issues!