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Finnaly He gets it!!

I am at my house, soon to be x is out of town for the next two weeks. After many discussions I think he finally gets it. That this divorce will happen and he will either be civil and work with me on all the details of unraveling this life of ours or he will suffer the wrath of a good lawyer and deal with much more pain and loss than is needed. I have hope now for my life to begin healing. Screw everyone's gossip at work I going to leave this place asap, and forget if he can't get his loan to take over the house I can keep it I make more money, I have friends that could move in and help me out I have family that cares for me. I can get out of this and be ok!!!!

Re: Finnaly He gets it!!

What did you say that finally made him "get It?" I think I will be in the same boat and would like any advice you have to offer.