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Re: My son lied to him...

I think scheduled calls are so stupid. My boys have to make a scheduled call to their Dad every Tuesday. They hate it, My oldest son looks at me like I'm telling him to clean the toilet or something when I tell him its time to call Dad. He HATES talking on the phone. He will only call his Dad's house phone and if he is not there then he refuses to call his cell. "He'll call me back once he sees I called" He is a bullheaded child. Calls only last 5 mins. My youngest hasn't talked to his Dad but 5 times on the phone (in 2 years) he don't want to stop playing to talk or sometimes he just don't want to. They ( my boys) have had fights over this when Dad is on the phone. My youngest just flat out tells him "I'm NOT talking to him"

Re: My son lied to him...

In this mess we have created for our children, regardless of the circumstances and the knowledge that it needed to happen, our children feel very out of control of everything in their lives. I see this as one way they can feel they have just a tiny bit of control. When My kids are with their dad my oldest calls me often, but I never talk to my youngest. It's just a difference in kids I guess. And I don't call them either, as much as I'd like to. That's their time together.

Re: My son lied to him...

I don't call my kids either. I figure his time is his time, as much as I hate it.
When I went to Texas last year for 2 weeks. I called my boys every night, they were at my Moms house and my youngest NEVER talked to me. I would hear him say to my Mom "tell her I love her" That was it. They are not phone people, didn't hurt my feelings as long as I knew they were okay I was fine.