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Re: Question on divorce & the bible

My also tried for years to save my marriage. He left me emotionally years ago. To my knowledge he did not cheat, but he didn't treat me like his wife, either. He decided he needed to go, and I finally pretty much told him not to let the door hit him in the *** on the way out. I'd given everything I had and then some to this marriage. I also feel as though the choice was not mine. I was not-am not-perfect and free from sin, but I also believe that there was no humanly way possible to save this marriage. God knows this, so I think I sleep at night believing I'm OK with God.

Re: Question on divorce & the bible

I was raised in a Christian home. In church three times a week. Attended VBS as a child taught it as an adult, Sunday school the whole nine yards. My Mom made sure that we were raised in the word. For the longest time after I realized my marriage was emotionally over for me, I stayed because it is a sin to divorce. Well after a few years of hating my husband and wishing him harm I realized that I was sinning. I was so unhappy that my anger and resentment had caused me to stop my walk with the Lord. I stopped going to church stopped praying. Why go to church when in your heart you know you are sinning? What sin is worse? Hate or divorce? In the Bible it says that hate is no worse then murder....harding of the heart doesn't allow love for anyone or anything. It leads to more and more sins. I begged my ex to stay with me, I begged him to love me. He wouldn't/couldn't so I left him. I needed to feel love again. I wanted to love again. I hated the person my anger turned me into. I believe with my whole heart that God will forgive my sins, if I just ask...right now honestly I am not in a place to ask...I feel like my life took a turn and there is no forgiveness...which I know is a lie from the devil himself....I believe God knows our hearts, he knows what was going to happen in our lives from day 1. He is a forgiving God and once we ask him to forgive our sins, they are forgotten. Our slate is clean. hate, lies, divorce and remarriage..we will forever pay for our sins because that is the way of life.
Think about it this way..you speed, you know it's against the law but you do it anyhow. Some days you get away with it but then one day you get caught. You say your sorry to the officer, he give you a ticket you pay it, all is forgiven..but that money you were saving for your vacation ..gone. A result of your 'crime"
In the end none of us know what will happen but to keep your faith is the best thing you can do for yourself...
There now I rambled and didn't make sense lol

Re: Question on divorce & the bible

I was raised atheist. That we are here by chance, we are biological machines. My experiences in life have taught me otherwise. God has spoken to me in so many ways, so many times, it is impossible for me to believe there is no God. I was not raised to believe in God or angels, certainly not taught to 'see' what I have experienced. I was raised to not believe, then 'saw' things, so looked up an explanation, and found my answer! Because of this backwards sort of way of finding God, I don't doubt my beliefs. They were formed from experience, not from teachings. Having said that, I don't believe God will be against your divorce. In fact, I feel God has been telling me for a while to go. That this is part of my journey. I HAD to be with a man like him so I could realize my potential. So I would take chances, take true leaps of faith. If I had been with a good man, I probably wouldn't have seen this. I wouldn't have pushed myself beyond what I thought were my capabilities. I honestly, truly feel guided in my life. I don't fight it. Even if I am terrified, I do it anyway because of my faith. I pray a lot. I don't go to church (don't much care for organized religion, it's hard for me to get it having not experienced it as a child), but I visit a local cathedral just for the peace I feel on the grounds. I don't believe God wants us to suffer. You know how with your kids you have to get tough sometimes for their own good? Same thing. We might feel WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME? Sure, my kids say it to me! And I say I am not doing it to hurt them or to be mean just for the fun of it. Everything I do is for their own good, even if they don't realize it right now, they will one day see I did it for a reason and the reason was to benefit them. So I think God sometimes gives us stuff that makes us feel we are being punished or being treated unfairly. We worry if we do something wrong we might get in trouble. But to me, the truth is that we are just being taught something. It is hard, we may cry, we may get angry, we may feel abandoned by God, but ultimately, it is for our own good and the reasons why will be clear to us one day and we will understand and appreciate and be thankful for it. As I said I wasn't raised with the Bible. But to me the sin is not getting a lawyer and signing papers to get out of a painful situation. To me it is telling someone you love them, asking them to marry you, promising to be there forever, and then treating that person badly. Leaving them alone, cheating on them, hitting them. The person who sins is not the one who draws the papers, it is the one who breaks the vows, or at least LIED the vows in the first place. If you love truly and fully and honestly, what is the wrong in leaving if the person you are married to doesn't do the same? The papers and signings and legalities...these are concerns of humans, not God.

Re: Question on divorce & the bible

I lived with an abuser (physical and mental) for 36 years. I struggled terribly with the decision to divorce, and then my church voted me out of memership (long stsory)..www.churchabusepoetrytherapy.com

It was an excruciating journey, and being alone was the only fear I ever had, and I took that route. Nothing worked, because the abuser didn't want to change (as is the usual). I prayed one hour before the court date to tell me what to do, give me a sign, and the x kept right on abusing me.

Re: Question on divorce & the bible

I've been a Christian (born again) a long time & was raised in Christian home, and what I believe so much is that The Holy Spirit does give each person the ability to interpret scripture & Jesus Will for them also that each soul is responsible. Children I believe are the innocents & the reason also they need protection & guidance.
I think as I wrote the orig post I was also reassuring myself that yes, my husband wanted the divorce, he left me, so in essence he divorced me.
I know the bible says that we walk out our salvation, "with fear & trembling," so it's important that we each take account our own decisions.. which I know this & typically I don't ask opinions on this or that but there are some things I am curious as to other's interpretations. The remarriage thing has been a biggy for me as to wanting to understand the interpretations, but again, I always go back to my own person beliefs & ability to interpret for myself, because God Judges me/my soul.
I do spend quite a big of time mulling over that too, the remarriage piece of it after divorce. I still have not been in any intimate situations with a man since I have been divorced. I have had a handful of short dates/ potentials... but as of yet I have not resolved the remarriage part in my head so I really have trouble even wanting to date.
I'm roundabout talking here.. I appreciate you all's input. It does sound like we each made decisions based on our circumstances & continue to walk in faith with HIM. I think we all would agree, divorce is so difficult & we NEED JESUS!!!
:) thank you for replying..
Marriage is certainly not easy but neither is any circumstance in life one finds ourselves in. Seems there are always tests along the way..
Can't wait till Heaven!