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Re: Need advice on when to have him served

I agree wait it's only 3 weeks away (UGH) You've held it together this long. Let them enjoy the holiday.

Re: Need advice on when to have him served

Well, I guess you have to ask yourself how will serving him affect your kids? Will they know right away? Will he cause a scene or will it be between the two of you and your lawyers? You are right, there is no right time for this, or anything! In some cases, I tell myself just go for it. In others, I tell myself that if I am not sure....wait until I am. the difference? if in taking action, the worse thing that can happen is that things stay the same, I muster my courage and just go for it. If, on the other hand, my action could possibly make my situation worse, then I hang on until I know that even if it makes something worse for a while, it will be worth it. So I think you should weigh these factors. How important is it you do this now rather than in a month or two? Will your kids really feel this or will it be more behind closed doors? Having said that, I'd personally wait. The holidays are stressful enough, never mind starting this as well. I have been married almost 20 years. I will file next year. I am also applying to graduate school. So my plan is to gather paper work and information in the new year. Then wait to see if I get in school or not. Once I have the paperwork together and know what the next few years of my life will likely look like, I'll go for it. Somedays I feel I would rather die than stay one more second in this. But I've been in it for so long, I survived years, a few more months won't do me in, and I can use the time to get house in order and gather needed information.