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Re: He knows everything

No on the legal adoption, certainly no on child support. He paid the home off before we were married and did not tell me for some time into dating, about a year. I thought he was making a mortgage payment because I would say" what about the house payment? how are we there? worried like an idiot." He would always say oh no, took care of that this month. My self esteem has taken a blow....im weak right now. Thanks for the greatly needed advice.

Re: He knows everything


He may not be educated on the legal protections you have, or he might be trying to intimidate you.

You could be entitled to alimony or long-term spousal support. You need to contact a family law attorney. Hang in there, and talk to a professional ASAP!


Re: He knows everything

He and I have been together 2 yrs with me as a stay at home mom for his son and my girls since I quit nursing a yr ago with his advice its best for the family. We just got married July 2010. Ive always been to affraid to have my dad hand my hand over to someone in marriage. Making a commitment to me, I knew I'd keep to him. Its like an urban legend. Paper signed, ink dry. Mr Hyde appeared out of no where. He owned the house prior to me moving in. I thought I should at least file for legal seperation. That way all my belongings and the house can just walk off the face of the earth. His previous wife is deceased. Suicide. Thats where all the money came from I find out this last year. Who am I to judge? Her family try to call me and warn me of some things, he changed our numbers and said they were all crazy. My self esteem is totally dinged up. Im going to contact a lawyer asap. and file for the legal seperation. It cant hurt? Right?
Thanks for everything...I dont feel so alone.

Re: He knows everything

My stbx is always throwing out things he'll do, or won't do. Really? He's lived the past 14 years manipulating me. I guess old habits are hard to break. I find myself being ALMOST sucked in at times, but HA, I'm stronger than that. So long, Sucker. I'll see you in court if that's what needs to be. Back to you-yes-RUN to an attorney.

Re: He knows everything

Thanks sweetie