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Re: Question on divorce & the bible

I've been a Christian (born again) a long time & was raised in Christian home, and what I believe so much is that The Holy Spirit does give each person the ability to interpret scripture & Jesus Will for them also that each soul is responsible. Children I believe are the innocents & the reason also they need protection & guidance.
I think as I wrote the orig post I was also reassuring myself that yes, my husband wanted the divorce, he left me, so in essence he divorced me.
I know the bible says that we walk out our salvation, "with fear & trembling," so it's important that we each take account our own decisions.. which I know this & typically I don't ask opinions on this or that but there are some things I am curious as to other's interpretations. The remarriage thing has been a biggy for me as to wanting to understand the interpretations, but again, I always go back to my own person beliefs & ability to interpret for myself, because God Judges me/my soul.
I do spend quite a big of time mulling over that too, the remarriage piece of it after divorce. I still have not been in any intimate situations with a man since I have been divorced. I have had a handful of short dates/ potentials... but as of yet I have not resolved the remarriage part in my head so I really have trouble even wanting to date.
I'm roundabout talking here.. I appreciate you all's input. It does sound like we each made decisions based on our circumstances & continue to walk in faith with HIM. I think we all would agree, divorce is so difficult & we NEED JESUS!!!
:) thank you for replying..
Marriage is certainly not easy but neither is any circumstance in life one finds ourselves in. Seems there are always tests along the way..
Can't wait till Heaven!