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Finding Happiness...

As I'm reading this forum, I've noticed so many people sharing their divorce horror stories, and many of them are really touching.

As a family law attorney, I can say that the sadness you feel right now isn't uncommon. Divorce is difficult, stressful, and sad for a lot of people.

The truth is, you won't feel this way forever. I've seen so many people start new, wonderful, adventurous, fulfilling lives after divorce. Whether or not you know it now, your marriage has made you a wiser person. You just need to ask yourself: what do YOU want? You have a chance to be happier than you've ever been in your life.

In the mean time, if you are going through a divorce (or even post or pre-divorce) it might help to talk to a therapist or mental health professional to get you through the sadness.

But remember what they say: it is always darkest before the dawn.


Re: Finding Happiness...

It helps to read these posts and know I am not alone in feeling so sad. It has been about 5 months and not what I wanted. But, it is what it is; unfortunately!

I look forward to the day when I can get through a day without thinking about him or even worse - miss him. I have to believe your last statement; "it is always darkest before the dawn".

I never thought or imagined I could feel such sadness and pain. And this was not how I imagined my life would turn out.

I know everyone and their situation is different but, how long does it take for the sadness to go away? I have days where I just cry. I was I could get angry but no such luck. This just really sucks!!

Re: Finding Happiness...

For me it has also been about 9 month more or less and yes it still hurt and I cry sometimes. I spent a life time with this man. We were together for over 20yrs and he left me for another woman and he lied everyday of his life. There had been many woman coming in and out of our life until I decided enough is enough. He still tells me that if that day I would of just left him alone he would still be here, but at what cost. He leaves with her and calls my house constantly. I see our kids and even though I don't give them much, they prefer to be with me. They only call him when they need something. Hold on it gets better. I know it is hard right now, I have my kids that hold my hand when I am low and having the worse time of my life.

Re: Finding Happiness...

Thanks for your response and sharing your experience with me. It helps a lot! I have family and friends but, sometimes it feels like they don't understand my sadness. Fortunately for them they are all happily married.

This website helps me feel connected and feel like I am not alone in my pain. I have realized through this time I am not a patient person. I look forward to the day where I don't miss him and don't feel this heartbreak.

Again thanks for responding!!!

Re: Finding Happiness...

We all share the same pain. It makes me wish we were back in the day when you got married that's what you were - married. For better or worse, in sickness, in health, til death do you part. Divorce sucks, no matter how you slice it. Unfortunately, that's not how it is today. Marriage is disposable. So, we deal with the pain & try to move on. Be strong, my friends. You are not alone.