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Who is he really concerned about?

My husband, soon to be ex, is trying to force me to change all bills into my name without care as to what happens afterwards as long as they arent in his name. A week ago I paid off the electric bill in his name in order to provide for my daughter in which I have physical custody of. Instead of just adding my name to the current account, he decided he would have it shutoff. Thus leaving my daughter and I without any electricity. I found out the hard way that without electricity, we don't have heat in our home either.

Meanwhile, he thinks that he can just demand me to do as he says without me even being able to consult with a lawyer first before making such decisions.

Within the last couple of months, he has drained all of the funds out of our joint account (and then some). He and my daughter were also supposed to be inheriting some money this past November in which I believe he is hiding from me. Just last year he and I filed for bankruptcy. Is this considered withholding funds for personal wealth? I do not know how to go about looking further into these matters and he is damanding that changes be made whether I have spoken with a lawyer or not on my part.

Re: Who is he really concerned about?

I guess does it really matter if you change the utilities into you r name or they remian in his> It sounds like you will have to pay for them anyway.
Now if you have been married for a long time, and you have not worked at your and his agreement then during the divorce process and afterwards he may be court ordered to pay spousal support. He will be orderedto pay child support if the child remains in your custody.
All this said, if the above is true then in the divorce process you could ask a judge to keep the utilities in his name and ask the judge to have him pay them, if this is not true then you are going to have to pay them yourself and why not put them in your name.
As for an inheratance, these funds are not considered joint funds in any state, they belong to him and your daughter and legally you have no right to them during a divorce unless there is intermingling of funds (he mised marital funds and inheratance funds together to purchase something).
Be careful in choosing an attorney, they tend to say things that may get you to believe you are entitled to more than you are (such as a short term marriage gets spousal support) but if you listen closely to their words they never do commit only lead you to believe things. Be careful

Re: Who is he really concerned about?

My ex had me moved back into the marital home 5 months after I left him. The judge told my attorney that all bills were to be kept in my ex's name This was a temp. arrangement and he said that if my ex wanted me here he could pay for me to be here ( wish that judge didn't retire)
Anyhow I woke up one morning to no phone. A month later he had an overdue oil bill changed into my name. I called and threw a huge fit, threatened a law suit. He then shut off the electricity and shortly after that the water. New judge..she didn't give two ****s about it.
My ex drained joint account. Canceled my medical insurance and had his new gf open an account under my name. little did they know I placed a red flag on my SS# and was in process of getting a new one.
Amazing how much damage one person can inflict on another without a care in the world.
In the end you can not count on them. I had to open new accounts for all, if I wouldn't have me and my kids wouldn't have water or electricity. We do what we must to survive. Cost me over $1000 in security deposits to do so.....

Re: Who is he really concerned about?

Ugh.....my STBX has done all these things to me already. (I think all but the exception of a girlfriend) The thing that disgusts me the most is that we filed for bankruptcy last year and with that we had to declare a sum of money (unknown the exact amount at the time) in which he and my daughter would get after the sale of his grandparents house. So not only has he taken absolutely everything already but I have no idea where my daughters funds are either. He absolutely disgusts me!