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lost dreams

I am 29 yo with 2 kids and 9 months ago due to some unforseen issues, the kids and myself had to move to tx while my husband, who is a member of the national guard, had to stay in NC. 6 months ago he cheated on me with a friend of mine. I found out about it 3 months ago that he did sleep with her. We have been working on it and trying to get past it, then he met a 20 yo girl just out of highschool on facebook. Since he met her he has lied about meeting her, he even took her to the movies twice. We have 2 kids and he has descided his "friendship" is more important that trying to save our marriage and making sure our kids have 2 parents. It is so bad that he has stopped talking to his brother and sister in law, and if he isn't with her then he is talking to her. I really don't want another divorce, but i also dont want to be a doormat. I can't afford a lawyer for a divorce cause i just got laid off, what am i supposed to do?

Re: lost dreams

divorce him and dont look back, you are young. You deserve better and so do your children.
Once you make that decision do not falter.

Re: lost dreams

he doesnt sound trusworthy, do you want to live with that over your head forever? Or teach your kids that deceit is ok? Ask the county for help.

Re: lost dreams

I am so sorry to hear you are going through this. Abbey and Kat have good advice. He's not going to make this marriage work and you don't want to live with a man that won't be your husband. He's not going to change. Let us know how things are going for you. Wishing you luck in your proceedings and piece in your heart.

Re: lost dreams

If you were married in NC, you will have to be seperated for one year before you can file for divorce,so I hope for your sake this is not the case. Once a cheater always a cheater. I learned this the hard way after forgiving my x for a couple of infidelities during our marriage and then after all the forgiving he still left me for another woman at end.
If he has cheating on you already once, with your own friend(what a friend by the way)and you know he is currently trying to get involved with another woman and is not making any attempts in fixing things with you, My decision would be to file for divorce.
Please think about it very hard before making your decision and make one which you will be able to live with. Divorce is hell! First the legal portion and then the emotional and finacial part as well.