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Re: Rave session

I hope the doctors can figure out what the problem is with your daughter. Have you tried another doctor? My granddaughter has Crohn's disease, which sounds a lot like what your daughter is going through.

Can you go to your daughter's school - just walk into the principal's office and say you have got to discuss this problem?

It sounds like you're getting hit with one problem after another right now. All you can do now is take it one day, or even one minute at a time. And pray!

Re: Rave session

I agree with JustMe....my butt would be at that school. Thats just ridiculous!

I'm so sorry that he's not helping you out any. Its pathetic when they cant even get it together for their kids! Thats what makes me the most mad. The kids have nothing to do with your issues and if they need something...than everyone should be there!!!

I do hope your daughter gets some relief soon. Must be horrible for her...and you.

Re: Rave session

I have spent too many days at the school trying to get someone to talk with me. I sat in the office for hour at a time waiting and finally giving up.

My daughter has been to see every type of doctor out there. She has had scans, endoscopy colonoscopy biopsies. The only thing I havent been able to rule out is endometriosis because none of the stupid gynocologist around her will do a lap on her. The next step, when I have some money, is to take her to maybe a childrens hospital of a pediatric gastrologist. I just feel like no one around me is willing to help just willing to cause more problems. Times like this I hate him even more.