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Re: bad day for a different reason

Dear Sue, You and Buddy are in my thoughts and prayers. I too am a dog lover, really an all animal lover. I can really relate to you and your Buddy as I too have a beautiful Golden Retriever. Her name is Summer and she is the sweetest dog I've ever known. She is also special because my husband and I bought her as a 13th birthday present for our youngest daughter. The summer we got her all three of us took her to training and worked with her. Those are some of the last memories I have of my husband when he was happy and involved with the family. Sometime not long after that he began to change. We all saw it but did not know what to do to reach him although we tried. Now my daughter is away at college so Summer stays with me and my husband. She will be staying with me when he moves out and I know her sweet nature will be some comfort to me.
I also know how hard it is when a beloved pet is ill. We almost lost Summer three years ago when she got an e-coli infection. I hope all goes well for Buddy.
P.S. Thanks for the reminder - you are quite right. We should focus our energy on those who really matter, those who return our love and care. I am going to try to do that and attempt to invest less energy in my marriage since it appears to be getting me nowhere with my husband.

Re: bad day for a different reason

Dear Alone, I agree that you should invest yourself in those that return your love. Just maybe if you aren't trying so hard he may get worried alittle and double think about what he is doing to you. You are so special. You have to make plans for the worst. Do not sacrific anymore for this man. Make sure you protect your rights. Anything left on the table will undoubtly go to OW. Take all that you deserve. Has your husband mentioned a time table to you. That is the only decent thing for him to do so you can prepare. I hope you have seen a lawyer. Think about it if he cared so much about doing the right thing by you he wouldn't be doing this! I'm sorry but this man has made me so angry. He is truely a troubled and lost soul. We are all here for you when ever you need us.

Re: bad day for a different reason

Sue, I am so sorry to hear about Buddy. Our pets become such a part of our lives. They are so loyal and the love they give is the unconditional kind. Let us know how Buddy is doing.

Re: bad day for a different reason


Our family always fills our home with pets and like you say, they prove themselves more loyal and loving then our exes turned out to be. I will say a prayer for Buddy tonight. I know God will hear us,


Re: bad day for a different reason

Sue, prayers for your loyal Buddy.
I had to leave my sweet lab when I left one month ago. I worry about him all the time. I worry my ex won't take good enough care of him and hug him and kiss him often enough. He weighs 90 pounds, but wanted to be a lap dog. Of course, I let him get into my lap and sleep a while.
He didn't walk good on a leash and was too strong for me to hold him back. I wouldn't have been able to take him on the 3 hours car ride to where I live now. I wouldn't have been able to take him to the vet. It broke my heart, but I had to leave him. My ex can manage him on a leash and he has a huge pen to go to. I know I couldn't have managed him, but still it breaks my heart and I worry about him. Sometimes leaving him hurts more than leaving my ex.

Yes, I'll pray for your good friend.

Re: bad day for a different reason

I'm so sorry that you are having to go through this with Buddy. It's hard enough with nothing else going on but to deal with this and the divorce is hard. I lost my beautiful Cocker Spaniel Bo almost 2 years ago. I was not there and I blame myself for his death every day. Ex hated him, and I do believe he killed him. Why else would he have died on my birthday when he was healthy? I had just had him to the vet and other than going blind in his left eye and losing his hearing he was healthy. As I always said "He is 25 lbs of sheer muscle" He was a fat lazy cocker who ate everything in site, I called him my little hoover, lol.
He was my best friend. I would sit and cry and he would wiggle his fat butt on my lap and just sit there looking at me. I could tell him anything I was feeling and he never told me how stupid I was or how my feelings didn't count. He never left me or made me feel alone. He was there for me. Stupid I know but when he died it was like losing a life long friend. I took my favorite picture of him and had it framed with a little quote written on the bottom. It helps me to see his little face all the time.
I will pray for Buddy but mostly I will pray for you as I know the pain involved in losing your beloved friend.

Re: bad day for a different reason

You're right, Sue. It's remembering the good & being grateful that can truly heal our hearts.

I am adding you & Buddy to my long list I pray for each night. It's my way to make sure I don't forget everything/one I appreciate.

I hope he makes a speedy & full recovery!

Re: bad day for a different reason

Oh Sue! I'm so sorry! I will definitely say a prayer for you and Buddy. I know how you feel about your dog. I have a cat who I have had for eleven years. She has been with me through so much. I truly hope everything turns out ok.

Re: bad day for a different reason

I am so sorry for Buddy. He is in my thoughts and prayers. I also have dogs and they have been my best friends and my children. A dogs love is unconditional and believe me, they have emotions. Think positive. It's hard, I know. I had to put down one of my dogs and it was one of the toughest decisions I ever had to make. I dont know what was harder, filing for divorce or putting a beloved dog down. Stay strong for your dog. Buddy feels what you are going through and now he needs your support, love and energy. I will pray many times over. Best of luck. Keep us posted.