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For reasons known only to himself, WK called me yesterday morning, completely out of the blue. (Beast, apparently, was not around.) We talked for an hour and a half! And would you believe, mostly not about the kids?! He was geared up for a trip down Memory Lane...I guess it turns out he and the Beast don't have nearly as much in common as he wishes they did. However. This is NOT my problem.

So he and I - and our daughter - will be working together the weekend after next. This should prove amusing.... If half the stuff that happened last year happens this year, he'll be headed for divorce court before the 4th of July.

Re: Huh?

Wow, I guess the grass looked greener than it was. Keep us posted.

Re: Huh?

Wow, I guess the grass looked greener than it was.

That reminds me of an expression I heard once, and I'm unsure of to whom it should be attributed...so I'll just quote it to the best of my recall. "'The grass looks greener on the other side'? Of course it does! The grass is greener on the other side because it's ASTRO TURF!"

Re: Huh?

Too true.

Re: Huh?

Wow...thats really interesting, huh? It's nice that you had a civil conversation. I wonder if I ever will with ex again. My son is only 4, and the thought of fighting with ex for the next 14yrs makes me cringe.

As for him and Beast...I dont know what to say. I'll just leave it at

Re: Huh?

Hah! Classic!