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What a load of crap

As I said, ex doesnt get to me much anymore, but this stuff with his gf...I dont know. I'm both annoyed and entertained by it at the same time.

Everytime DS comes home he is talking about what he and ex did with gf. Stuff like going to dinner, bowling...things he would NEVER do with us...EVER.

I know this is him just "auditioning" as I call it because they are still in the honeymoon stage of dating. He did that garbage with me too. Used to leave flowers on my car, write me letters.... The stuff they do to impress.

Just ****** me off that now he's playing like this sweet guy who LOVES going out and showing a lady a good time. Not to mention using DS to make himself look like father of the year.

He is such a BS artist! In a way I feel like why couldnt he do that stuff with us, then on the other hand I feel like he is masking the way he really operates for her...and it will all come out in the end. He is what he is and one day she'll start to see it. Unless shes a piece of crap like him..in which case they deserve each other.

Re: What a load of crap

Are you looking into my life?? The flea would never go out on holidays because of the traffic or what ever could happen, well for the New Year he took my son and big foot to Big Bear. I was pi$$ed he would never do those things with us. I would tell him lets buy bikes and go out and bike ride, his answer was always I did that when I was younger and now I can drive, now he is bike ridding with my son and big foot, he is washing cars and mowing the lawn, everything he would not do at home he is doing now. I have told him what a hypocrite he is , of course he has to do all that to impress big foot, but soon they all back to the same things. You will soon see how the ex will go back to being the same man he was when he was with you. Take care.

Re: What a load of crap

It will all come out in the end. Its sad that such simple things like going bowling or taking a walk, could have saved a marriage, just by taking the time to give the relationship a little attention. But instead they chose to not do it until its to late. What does that say about them as a person?

There will come a day when he is not willing to put the effort into his new relationship either. The new always becomes the old. Some are happy with comfort and tradition, and some are always searching for something that is missing inside of themselves.

Re: What a load of crap

I just came from visiting a girlfriend who hesitated a little bit as she mentioned how he had promised a lot of good that were never delivered. He definitely played a role to gain entry into a relationship with me. But WHY? I remember it was in the third month and it began to quickly unravel and his true colors came shining through. Here's the thing, WHY? I wanted to be loved, not some fictional character I made up. Don't they get it? If they are creating a fictional character how can they expect to be loved for who THEY are? And then when we negotiate our standards, what we most wanted in life and so on... they miss the drama and head off to do it all again. It is one of the many things that will never make sense.

Re: What a load of crap

It does all come out in the end. Lots of people put on a face in the beginning months of relationship. However, deep down instead, their true self will come out eventually, don't you worry. Hang in there. It hurts and its frustrating to see it, however, you are the woman who is going to overcome it because you know better. Hang in there!

Re: What a load of crap

I totally get what you ladies are saying. I have been there too. But,if I may share, the thing I am learning is to love myself.Does it take the place of having someone to hold you at night or laugh with you or protect you. Not really but it does give you to realization that you do not need someone to complete you (excuse the Jerry McGuire reference). Do I want a man in my life again? Sure. But when he comes I want to be able to say yes because I love him and not because I need someone to make me whole. God makes me whole, he is the one I need to complete me.That is the way he designed it, we are not whole without him, and when we are putting our husbands in his place it is the same breach of trust that our husbands displayed in our marriages. We are intelligent, beautiful, independent women. God has a plan for each and every one of us. If you are a christian then you know what I am saying is true. Psalms 139 says that our lives were an open book to him before we were even born. That means he knew this would happen and has made plans accordingly. God is the author of our lives. Let him lead and agree to follow. Don't go kicking and screaming but go willingly, giving him charge to do as he pleases. Jeremiah 29:11 says "for I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "Plans for good and not for evil. Plans to give you a future and a hope.' I dont know about you but that sounds like a good plan to me.