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Re: Not sure what to do next?

First things first, start getting your affairs in order. I've got some resources if you're interested. Send me an email at michelle@divorceyoung.com and I'll pass that info along. I'll have a website up soon with all of it, but in the mean time, I'll just email it over to you if you are interested.

There is a lot of information online to get you started too. Do some Google searches. Also, do some research on your local courthouses website. Mine had a tone of information that I found helpful and you will too. It also wouldn't hurt to schedule some consultations with attorneys. They will charge you, typically, for 30 minutes of their time or a reduced consultation rate. Also, try calling their offices or shooting them an email. Sometimes they will give you some legal advice for free if you are strapped for cash.

Hope this helps,