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Re: Thanks for Listening to my story

Susan...You Rock!!!

Re: Thanks for Listening to my story


Thanks for your support. I sure hope I don't have to go to court..much less ever see him again when this is over. We already went to Mediation. Of course I took a hit in some places that I should not have...like my house..I should have gotten more of the equity. He just bare faced lied about the value even though I got it appraised. I did ok. The hardest part is the medical insurance...I will have none. I left the mediation without any cash. He took the debit, check book and the two credit cards that we had. We had no bills before this all started back in October and had money saved. Our lawyers are costing us a lot. He ended up paying some of mine, but I will have to pay the rest. I know I will be ok in the end. I just want the papers to be drawn up corrctly as we decided in mediation (his lawyer wants to take out anything that has police or warrant on it, but he signed it so my lawyer and I agree that there will be no changes. The Quadros have been drawn up and just need to be signed. He refinanced the house to give me cash for some of my equity in the house.....he really didn't need to do that,, but his lawyer thinks he might need some money for his criminal lawyer later on. I really don't care what happens to him and hopefully when this is all done, I will never have to see him again. I am changing my name back to my maiden name. My children are my children from a previous marriage, so there is not a blood connection. I really do feel bad for them because he was their father figure for over 32 years. Imagine what went through my mind when I found out what he thinks about young girls. The first question I asked my daughter and my sons too...was...did he ever touch you, And thank God...it was no.

I am really looking forward to getting done and on with my life. Thanks again for your support