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Re: I don't know what to do

I don't know what I would do if I were you. I feel so bad for your son. Your ex is a total louse for showing up with the new lady's son. Was this boy also playing, or did they all just show up to watch your son play?

Re: I don't know what to do

These men have mashed potatoes for brains and rocks for hearts. Sorry, I ache so much when I hear stories like this where children are just torn apart. I remember times at the beginning where my ex shoved the other women right at the boys and all he thought of was the more time and the quicker he could get the boys with this woman the faster they would accept her and join in his joy in meeting such a wonderful, find. He never saw the true hurt and pain he did to the boys because like you said, They would never say anything to him because they did not want to lose him any more than they felt they already had. I'm sorry your child is so hurt. These kids are ashamed and lost with all that their fathers and girlfriends do and your child has to deal with other children in the relationship as well. That is one thing I am so glad that my kids never had to go through. It makes me just want to shake these men out of their dream world of happiness and say...just because what you are doing is making you happy and dancing on air doesn't mean we are all happy and wonderful to. Selfish knuckle heads is all I can say about these men and their women.....ggrrrrrr!!!!

It is always their happiness first and then let's do the damage control after...


Re: I don't know what to do

I think that if your son feels so uncomfortable then he will not be able to enjoy the game. I would consider letting my son pull out if I thought it was going to do more harm than good. Is there another interest he has? Tough one. Just talk it out and see how he feels. Good luck.

Men are well....what can I say?

Re: I don't know what to do

Big foot's son will be participating in basketball, the thing that I don't understand is the little boy lives in another town where they also have a summer basketball program. I have decided I will not make my son do the program if he doesn't want to. the thing is he will go visit with the flea today and the flea will probably make him feel guilt and make him do the program. God I sometimes wish this man would just get tired and leave my alone once and for all.