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Hate him

Jerk was supposed to have the kids "July 2 or 3 through Thursday or Friday." Could he be more vague? He calls earlier this week and begins to tell me that it's not looking very good for him to have the kids next week-conflicts at work. He probably didn't ask for the time off until earlier this week and then finds out he can't have it. A$$h*le. So he calls this morning and asks if he can get the kids either this evening or in the morning. He'll bring them back Monday morning so I can spend time with them for the holiday, too. Yeah, right. He has other plans for the 4th, he doesn't care about me spending time with them for the holiday. I'm guessing a GF, but could care less. Now he's asking about taking them the next week. I have an appointment for each child scheduled that week, one child has a camp, and the other should be practicing for his state 4-H competition that he qualified for. But it's all about what works for Jerk, right? I'm not sure how it's going to work out yet, but I'm not changing all of the plans I have made for them, plans I made working around HIS schedule! I hate him...absolutely hate him.

But...he came to get the kids at my new home tonight...the home that belongs to my dad. Talk about uncomfortable! He was so uncomfortable being here. I loved it. I hated how "at home" he was in my other house.

Re: Hate him

I sometimes feel like i hate my husband!!
I dont let him in the house when he comes for the kids and drops them off, he then has to feel uncomfortable standing on his own doorstep in front of the neightbours!!

Re: Hate him

I do the same thing, at first he would come in and inspect my house. go through all the rooms. Now he has to wait outside. The funny thing is when he comes my son is not ready and he has to wait for him outside. My son usually takes up to 5 minutes getting dress and watching tv, while his dad is outside waiting.

Becky I believe you are a strong woman and don't really need Jerk for anything. If he doesn't want to be around your kids, I believe it is his lost. Keep all your plans and when and if he wants to see your kids tell him to work around your schedule. I think we are all so use to working around our ex's schedules we forget, we don't have anymore. Take care./

Re: Hate him

It was ridiculous. When he first left he'd wander into MY home without knocking. So I had to tell him he no longer lived there and he could not come as he pleased. I expected a phone call before he showed up and he'd knock and wait for an answer at the door. HE HATED THAT! Moving out of "our" home has really helped me establish MY space. It's only been a few weeks, but I'm happier already.