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Re: Hard time with emotions after divorce

Tena I know this must be extremely difficult time for you, especially with your divorce being finalised within a month after filing. Usually it gives you time to learn to accept and cope with things but nevertheless you are dealing with this in the best way you know how.

My advice would be to not find out any information as to his whereabouts, and if someone tells you things about him just cut them off. Its easier said than done, trust me I know (Im trying so hard not to check up on my ex). Also if you can avoid going past where he lives, maybe find an alternate route so that you and your daughter dont have to see the other womans car outside his house.

Its shamless to know that a woman who has already experienced being betrayed by her husband would do that to another woman. Unfortunately it is the society in which we live in. The feelings that you have are perfectly normal, given your circumstances, you need to go through the emotions. But for now you need to concentrate on yourself and your daughter and good luck to the woman that now has your ex husband!

Re: Hard time with emotions after divorce

Feelings aren't right or wrong........normal....is whatever you are feeling.


Re: Hard time with emotions after divorce


That is really hard. It sucks to feel betrayed and it really sucks to have it in your face. Give yourself a break. You are entitled to your emotions. I went through a really fast divorce too after finding out he cheated on me. While good in some ways, the shock of it is ... well, shocking. Give yourself time to grieve.

I know it is so much easier said than done, but you have to train your mind to stop spinning around him. When my mind starts working on the fact that he is still with her ... living with her and presumably having a grand old time ... I picture a door in my head and literally picture shutting the door on those thoughts. Doesn't always work, but I am getting better with practice.

Hang in there.
