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Re: seperating

Cynthia: It is not a good idea to use your real name on line if this is your real name (use a fake name). I would seek help from your nearest women's services center and/or go to the nearest courthouse and look for help and get a restraining order from the Attorney. Ask your Attorney for help also and tell them why you are scared.

Re: seperating

your safety is your first priority. Your attorney represents you. Tell him/her what is happening. You did not just hire him/her for the settlment. A divorce involves the entire thing. Your safety again being the most important thing.

Please call a woman's shelter if you need help. You can google it for one in your area.

Don't be a victim. Sometimes you need to ask for help from multiple sources, but get help.

Think about the person who loves you the most in the whole wide world. Wouldn't that person want you to help yourself? Staying in a bad situation that is dangerous to you is not an option.
