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Re: Emotions Allll Over the Place...

It is interesting how many times people think that the grass is greener on the other side, and then realize the exact opposite. I hope my STBX realizes that too and kicks himself for giving up the best thing that happened to him. Ah well, their loss! Good for you for being able to look at it from the outside.

Re: Emotions Allll Over the Place...

Nice to see you gurlfriend!!

There is that old saying "Marry in haste, repent in leisure"---I am not sure how soon he married.


Re: Emotions Allll Over the Place...

{{{{Nicole}}}}} Nice to see you too!! Yeah, he married this chick about 8 months after our divorce was final. He actually told me "things were good for a while", as if I really cared. They aren't now and it's starting to affect my son.

Ya know, the only reason I got back into talking with him is because I want the kids to have a relationship with him if they want it. Our daughter adores and misses him, but she is so angry with him about his lack of backbone...it's just cutting her up inside to see how miserable he is and how unwilling to do anything about it.