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Re: I don't want a divorce

Why not allow your stbx to get the house? Or sell it and split the proceeds? Don't be house-poor.
While I love to have my own, I had to let my first house go into foreclosure. Eight years later it had dropped off my credit record and I was able to buy a nicer house in a better community.

Re: I don't want a divorce

I know how you feel. In the same situation, only we don't have a business. He talked me into quitting my job last year so I have no income. Depend on him. He has all the money, only gives me money when I ask, then its how much. He's insisting that we sale the house for whatever we can get. He knows he's got to have my signature so he's making it bad living here. I know what's coming, but don't have the means to go anywhere else. I AM SCARED!!!