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Re: divorcing and feeling overwhelmed

You are so right Ellie. I had been avoiding changing a light bulb high on the ceiling for months because the sconce was pretty difficult to take off. But I finally decided that I had to just get up and do it. So I got up on a tall bar stool, somehow managed to unscrew the darn sconce, and put in a new bulb. It took me all of 5 minutes to do something that I had been avoiding it for months. I felt so good once that was done though! As much of a pain as some things are at times (taking out trash, etc.), every so often I smile to myself when I realize how good it feels to take charge, to have my independence back, and to do things for myself.

Re: divorcing and feeling overwhelmed


I should have mentioned the lightbulb and the vaulted ceiling too as among the things that defy me. How many divorced women does it take to change a light bulb? Just one; it just takes her four hours of fiddling around with one of those long pole thingies. Two broken bulbs and half a concussion later from boinking myself in the head with the pole thingie, and the bulb is changed! I am obviously neither handy nor graceful.

BTW, I never knew I had such a foul mouth until I got this divorce. It seems I am constantly cursing out inanimate objects :)


Re: divorcing and feeling overwhelmed


LOL Whole new vocabulary!

Re: divorcing and feeling overwhelmed

Note to self:light bulb in lounge needs changing!! Mission underway....

So nice reading these messages, it sounds like a liberating feeling. I didnt even know how to buy light bulbs, had to ask my dad, now its lying there hoping that by some miracle it will find its way up there....lol

Re: divorcing and feeling overwhelmed

... helpful hint: buy multiple lightbulbs. That way when you break the first few, you don't have to keep running to the **** store.

Maybe I should start wishing for the miracle of the garbage taking itself out! It is a strategy ... maybe not terribly effective, but still ... :)
