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Re: Alimony

Akaara: I was divorced in 2009 after 21 years. I worked full-time for the first two years and took 10 years off to stay home with our daughter because the day care was too expensive and we did not qualify for help. I got a part time job delivering newspapers and put our daughter in the car. I had a nervous breakdown in 2005 and had a back spasm and my back was never the same. I could not work for a year. I went back to work - light duty and got a chiropractor's note stating I could only lift 10 lbs. and could do no prolonged sitting or standing. I was awarded lifetime alimony at age 45. I was not awarded disability because I did not have enough credits. The most I ever made before the marriage was 16K. At the time of the divorce he was making 80K and I, 5K. His Lawyer wanted me to go back to work to avoid alimony. They tried to kick me out of the house and then both Lawyers kicked him out. I was only awarded 11K per year and he took me back to court every other year and $1,200 went to the Lawyer. My Dad died and left me a modest Trust and a check which will not run out due to it being reinvested. The alimony laws changed after I got divorced in the State of MA. I can't speak for others in other States, but most alimony is of a restorative nature except in extreme circumstances like mine (case by case basis). What is taken into consideration here is the following: ages of couple, whether they worked inside or outside the home, health status, employability. I know another massage therapist who is divorced and who has to do babysitting on the side and she gets child support.

Re: Alimony

Going through mediation now. Why would he only have to pay you for 5 years? A 23 year marriage is long duration. This set indefinitely or at least half the duration of the marriage. Did you agree to 5 years? Look in your MSA and see if it is modifiable. Good Luck.