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Re: how to deal with long term relationship (37years) splt???

This is so sad, but the first thing you need to do is to protect yourself. See an attorney (first visit usually free)...this doesn't mean you are getting a divorce; just getting your "ducks in a row." Since your husband may be doing......things you are not aware of. Of course see if he will get into counseling, but FIRST protect yourself. Go for counseling yourself, if he won't go.
Hugs Nicole

Re: how to deal with long term relationship (37years) splt???

I wish there was a magic answer to that question. There isn't. It is sad and devastating and awful. It will likely knock you to the ground, and you will think you will never want to get up again. It is so much worse than if he had died. You have to start thinking about protecting yourself ... go see a lawyer and understand your options and rights. Tough things to think about when you are devastated and lost, but they have to be done. If you are like most of us, the man that you thought you knew no longer exists and probably hasn't for a while.

You have to take care of yourself now ... you are going to have to be strong to get through the ordeal. Ultimately, the only thing that heals this is time ...

I am sorry for your loss.
