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Blossoms from Wreckage

So many of you know my story. One sunny day last October, my husband looked at me and out of nowhere announced that he doesn't want to be married anymore. There was no discussion. No fighting. Nothing. He threw his dirty clothes in the car and left. That was the last time I saw him. I was married to him for 16 years, together with him for 23. He was my best friend. I was truly happily married and thought our lives lacked nothing. Two weeks after that I found out that he had been cheating on me for two years. I filed for divorce within 24 hours of finding out and was divorced 31 days later. It felt like I was hit by a baseball bat.

The 6 months since then have been the hardest in my life. I was broken. I literally was on the ground and thought I would never ever stop hurting. I never thought I would be whole again. It honestly was the most awful and horrifying thing. The pain was unbearable.

I came to this site almost from the first day, first to tell my story and then to hear the stories of others and offer help or advice where I could. I have been here almost every day, and I have been blessed by the advice and kind words of the ladies here ... so many of you that listened to me whine, rant, cry, and just talk. Nicole, Lara, StayingStrong, Dee, Kathleen, I'm Done (so many different names!), Mindy, Bluer, Blueski, Lindi ... others. Thank you all!! You were a big part of saving my life ... of helping get through the darkest time.

6 months in, and I feel stronger than I've ever felt. A part of me will always hurt at the loss of my best friend and at the sheer disappointment of the betrayal, but I have stopped looking back. I can honestly say that I am a better and stronger person now. And out of the wreckage of my life, so many beautiful things have blossomed ... lifelong and strong friendships ... a new sense of self ... a stronger faith ... and now a fantastic new job opportunity in Australia. My new stronger and better self got a huge promotion and am moving to Sydney next Monday. I am a little scared but mostly excited. I wanted to share the news since so many of you have been with me through this journey.

Thank you again for the kind words and advice and prayers.


Re: Blossoms from Wreckage

Dear Ellie,

Wowza! Monday! I am sooo glad the internet cords reach all the way to Oz so you can tell us how the move goes, when your jet lag ends, how winter is in June, etc. etc. etc.

I am so very proud of you and hope you feel that way about yourself. You are one of a kind and we are lucky you found this forum.

Safe travels!

Re: Blossoms from Wreckage

Wow...oh wow...good for you!

My brother is going to Australia soon on an Art exhibition trip and he's really excited.

I just know you will love it there...adventure awaits you

Re: Blossoms from Wreckage

Ellie: I am glad we could be of help to you. I am sure new surroundings will help. I am grateful to have gotten my cottage in the divorce and that he has a new home, too, but there a lot of memories here in the house and in the neighborhood. I hope you enjoy Australia - sounds exciting. Let us know how you are doing there.

Re: Blossoms from Wreckage

Thank you guys!!!