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Re: I believe my husband is going through a MLC

Holding On: I am sorry you have to go through this while pregnant. I find his whole attitude of wanting to explore another relationship with someone else to compare to the one you have disgusting and he is probably having an affair. It is good he has sought counseling. Maybe he is panicking because the baby is coming. As distasteful as this sounds, a Psychologist on t.v. said the "job" of a male is to procreate with as many women as possible before he dies to keep the species going, but I also believe there are some men who are deeply in love/attached to their soul mates, marry and stay married for many years, until death. I wouldn't put up with what he is doing. I would set up a consultation with a Family Lawyer to see what is at stake. I hope he is there for the birth and pays child support if he leaves. Maybe the counseling will turn things around, but the trust is gone. I hope you have family and friends for emotional support.

Re: I believe my husband is going through a MLC

How sad and incredibly painful for you to go thru this especially when you are pregnant.
I am afraid to say that I think he might be having an affair. My husband said something similar to me and I believed what he said until my girlfriends said it sounds like an affair. I certainly didn't want to ever believe that but it turned out to be true. Try to be strong for yourself and your unborn child....our children will sometimes give us strength we did not know we possess.
Hugs XXX

Re: I believe my husband is going through a MLC

Stay focused on yourself.
Focus on what you need to have a healthy baby...even if this means that you consciously take him out of your thoughts to your best ability so be it.
You love him. That will not change. You know yourself and you know how YOU feel.
Release the idea of control over the situation because it is HE who is not in control of himself and you cannot control where he is in his thoughts. You can control you or at least carry yourself to where you need to be.

Meditate. If you don't meditate listen to some that are online and center yourself.
You are the sole keeper of this baby regardless of what happens between you are your husband. You are the mom and you need to stay healthy and happy when you can. Stay centered even with the world of hurt and choas around you. Try to be happy in your own space and surround yourself with people and things you love.


When I was pregnant (twice) my husband was having an affair.
You are the calm and the refuge for your child and keep telling yourself this.
Growth is often painful, and we never know these things happen to us while we are in them...and these experiences can be so painful. I truly feel for you
Teach your baby how strong it's mother is.
Teach your baby the same strength while you are still pregnant with your baby.
Your baby is blessed you have you as it's mother.


Re: I believe my husband is going through a MLC

oh dear.

Will he go to marriage counseling? He needs to find a way to recommit himself to his relationship with you and deal with whatever he'd dealing with (or running away from).
