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When does decree become effective


I live in New Hampshire. Divorce decree was signed by Judge on March 18. My lawyer's office received it on April 3. I've been under impression it became effective April 3.

My wasband has been ordered to sell many items (boats, cars, etc) and we divide proceeds. He says he has until July 2. There is no date specified for sales, except one, which indicates he must sell something specific by "60 days of the decree." He is saying that is July not June? Basing it somehow on judgement day?

Anyone know when they have to comply with decree?

Thanks in advance.

Re: When does decree become effective

Jake: I live in MA. There is a 90 day waiting period before a divorce can become final. Ask your Attorney the question you have asked us.

Re: When does decree become effective

Yes, I hae tried. She just always takes forever to call me back and he was calling that he wants to come get his stuff tomorrow morning. He only recently repaid all the alimony and child support he back-owed for months and months. But he is court ordered to sell other items. Mylawyer originally said not to give him his things back until he had complied fully with the decree. H

For two years he has done what he wants and not followed temporary orders, visitation etc. and has done such damage to our kids by alienating one of them against me and telling them all sorts of details about the divorce, the trial, that I am robbing him blind (yet he is the one who did not pay alimony and mortgage and has stolen all sorts of things form the house ...argh)

I literally get sick to my stomach when I see him and he has been emotionally abusive in front of the kids too many times to count. So my conditions for his getting his stuff (all that is left are garage items, a car, motorcycle, and two pieces of furniture) is that he not bring the kids with him to get the stuff. He has done that before and it turned into an epic and ugly battle in front of the kids.

I hae also told him I will have a neutral third party here to assure that it is done peacefully. He's not happy. But it's all about growing a backbone .... Do you think this is reasonable?

Re: When does decree become effective

Jake: There are many people on the forum whose kids, when older, have realized, that a parent has been behaving badly - including my own. I am glad he caught up on his alimony and child support. My ex also told our daughter the details of the divorce agreement. I think it is not unreasonable for him to have a neutral person there when he removes his belongings. I would call the courthouse or local Bar Association to find out when your divorce is final since your Lawyer is not calling back in a timely manner (they do that). Since I was living with my mom and giving her a lot of money after their divorce (I was 19), I would have liked to have known the details of the divorce agreement which I found out years later. My Dad made arrangements for me and my brother to get $7k after the marital home was sold, so I feel I got "paid back". It took 2 1/2 months of weekends for my ex to get his stuff out and he spent no time with our daughter and did his laundry while here and he left all the junk with me! He did not hire a moving company after I'd suggested he did. I told him about the junk and he felt guilty, but offered no assistance, so I called a friend for help and two guys from a metal recycling place came and took the metal stuff. He was a hoarder and much of his stuff was in the basement. I called him back a couple of times to claim some items and he came back and said he did not want them. After two years the Lawyer told me I could dispose of them.

Re: When does decree become effective

Thanks. That's a good idea to call the court. I will do that tomorrow. He has sold stuff, sold it for cash, sold it for significantly less than it was worth. Then, though court made no mention of this, instead of giving me half, he took money and gave it to his dad who helped pay for one of the boats way back when.

So, so much lying and deception. Just tired of all the lying and deception. Hard to know when to walk or when to stand up for myself. Again. Really don't feel like going back to court.