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parenting plan not court ordered in another state, but are now residents of Florida

Hi. I used to be a resident of California and fled the state due domestic violence from my daughter's father. It has has been several years now and I recently contacted the courts over there, whom a lady informed me that she could see in in my case there was a recommendation of a parenting plan but it was not a court order signed by a judge. Because my daughter is now a legal resident of Florida, can I simply go to my court house to file for custody here? I have been more than compromising with her dad since he recently decided he would return to live in Florida too. However, he also told me he partakes in illegal drugs in his home, my daughter has no where to sleep in the home, and he cannot afford to purchase groceries because he makes minimum wage. He has already created two different instances of refusing to return to my daughter to me on the weekends. I have also dealt with him making allegations of my boyfriend of four years and not sure what to do. I realize the officer was kind enough to get involved and investigate my daughter to verify if she is being abused or not, which she is not. I do not believe in corporal punishment. My concern is whether I can file here in Florida now since there is no permanent court order of a parenting plan in California? I am simply looking to protect my rights and my child from harmful emotional abuse by her father, but also make him understand that I want them to have a relationship without his negative influence of telling my five year old she does not have not listen to any adult but myself and him. This behavior has gone to the extent that my daughter will refuse my boyfriend of putting her seat belt on in a vehicle. The statement was made to me over the phone while she was upset because her dad told her she did not have to listen to him. I am highly frustrated about how her behavior has been affected since he has arrived. I am upset because I want them to have a relationship but he has openly admitted to me he has no money to feed her when she goes over there and visits, he lives with his brother in a two bedroom town home with each room having only a twin size mattress to sleep on, which leaves my child no where to sleep as his fourteen year old nephew also sleeps in one of those rooms. and through all of that, he thinks because he was granted a medical marijuana license by California, it is okay to smoke marijuana around my daughter. I am highly afraid the courts will believe the lies he feeds them and to my five year old. What can I do here? Please help with some advice. Thank you.