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advice for nj centreal law on stopping unsupervised visatation

I am a single mommy going on five and 1-2 yrs now. biological father has been a absent father and literally still is. a yr after my son was born he was found and childsupport was ordered,and has attempted to sabbatize good proven fit mom ever since cs was ordered. Ihad a 2 yr appeal on visation ,and one yr after appeal I found myself in same boat with same judge! only difference ncp found out somehow minor child received a huge settlement from prior car accident and he suddenly wants to be Dad of thev year...this monster had 3 visits unsupervised.two visits that he left minor child with his sister whom refuses to introduce her self to me,two visits that have put my son back into therapy, regression, peeled his bottom lip from nerves. has beed hovered coward to state ncp lyes are true ,such as yes we went to chuncky cheese' my god it gets sicker... my son was diagnosed with hf autism at two yrs of age my son and I climed to the end of the earth literally to get him where he is todayb a happy healyhy triving toddler who is a yellw belt in karate, LOVES HIS FRIENDS , PEOPLE VERY VERBAL .!MY SON AT 3 DR STATED HE WILL NEVER FUNCTION AS A YOUNG MAN IN SOCIETY HE WILL NEED SPEAIL SCHOOLS ECT... I WAS HIUS WINGS AND HE SOARED WITH THAT THIS ABSENT FATHER AFTER 2ND VISIT ASK ME TO REMOVE HIS DIAGNOSES OF AUTISM OFF ALL RECORDS!!!1THEN DESPITE THE DISTYRESS THE REGRESSION NCP REFUSED HIS COURT ORDER VISATION BE ADJUSTED DUE TO HOW CHILD RESPONDED TO THIS ABRUPT VISATION SHEDULE REFUSED TO SIMPLE VISIT IN OUR HOME IN CHILD ELEMNT,ON MAY 15 2014 MY SON WAS SICK IN BED NCP DID NOT CARE WANTED HIM UP AND OUT ,YET KP IN MIND IN BETWEEN VISITS NOT A CALL NOT A VISIT TO HIS SONS KARATE PRE K GRADUTION NOT EVEN A GRADUTION CARD!!! NPTHING ABSENT , WHEN I REFUSED FOR HIM TO TAKE MY SON WHO WAS SICK IN BED OUT NCP WALKED OUTSIDE AND TEN MIN LATER 5 POLICE MEN IN MY SONS ROOM READY TO ARREST ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 I STATED CALMLY TO NCP U CHOSE TO IMPOSE THIS ON UR SON OPPOSE TO SIMPLE VISITING IN HIS HOME ,I AM GETTING A LAWYER. AND EXCUSED MYSELF AS I WATCH HIM TAKE MY SON HYSTERCAL IN TEARS OUT THE DOOR FOR THE DAY WITH FIVE POLICEMEN TO FOLLOW, NOW THIS IS UNDIGESTABLE PLEASE I NEED A PROBONO ATTORNEY. AND OPEN TO ALL ADVICE, THANKYOU FOR READING MY POST. TO NOTE I HAVE FULL SOLE LEGAL CUSTODY AND ON SEC VISIT NCP LEFT MINOR CHILD WITH ANOTHER PERSON ON HIS PARENTING TIME!! PLEASE HELP

Re: advice for nj centreal law on stopping unsupervised visatation

Sky: My ex husband was diagnosed by his sister, a Doctor, as having Asperger's Autism, after the divorce, so my heart goes out to you. See if you can get a pro bono Lawyer through your local Bar Association or check at the local courthouse or Legal Aid place. You did not write here whether or not you have been married/divorced, but hope this helps. Sounds like the Dad is in denial of the diagnosis. Kathleen? Nicole?