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My kids were taken by their mother when she came to visit for my sons birthday

My wife and I lived in ND. She left me for another man and moved out. Prior to her moving out we had discussed moving back down to AZ for the kids sake because of the friends family and other kids their age. So when she moved out the kids and I (with her full acknowledgement) moved back down to AZ. She just came to visit for my sons bday. She flew down but had her boyfriend drive down with his car. a mutual friend of ours and my wife than convinced me to let the kids stay with them for the night. I let her and her boyfriend showed up and they took the kids to north dakota without saying anything to me....HELP!!! I need my babies...I'm a good father and have been able to provide for them.

Re: My kids were taken by their mother when she came to visit for my sons birthday

Robert, obviously this is a case for the courts. I hope you've contacted your attorney in order to find out what the legal steps are. I also hope she's taking good care of your children.

Re: My kids were taken by their mother when she came to visit for my sons birthday

Contact your atty as well as the police .. crossing state lines BIG BIG NO NO. You have to act quickly. If there is a parenting agreement in place that names you as custodial parent .. you are looking at kidnapping charges. As the sole custodian of my children .. for my stbx to take them out of county even that all has to be approved and he knows he's not back when he's suppose to be .. the police are involved .. end. of. story. DO call your atty and do not let more time pass .. if there is nothing in writing .. you better get something sooner than later. Hugs