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Taxes 2013

I took a HUGE risk and would like to know if anyone has experience in this regard .. I have sole custody and my stbx didn't see the kids for about 8 months. I filed taxes and I claimed both the kids. He hasn't pitched a fit and I don't think his atty is aware I did this .. well he should be as I gave him the tax paperwork through my atty .. no one has said anything at this point. Soooo .. I wait to see if I get blind sided and I would have done it to myself .. my question is am I in BIG trouble with the Judge if this comes up .. or I am kind of in little trouble when the judge sees what he's put the kids and I through .. OP's, my oldest was served the day after Xmas to testify again her dad. OMGOSH .. I was furious he let it go that far. The case was so open and shut it was stupid on his part and his atty had no idea what he walked into. Anyway, .. how much trouble am I in?