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Re: So sad here..should I go?

What to do: If there is any love, do you want to try marriage counseling? I hope you have a job and no children yet, this way you can easily get divorced and move on. Next time, look carefully before you leap! Get a free consultation with a Lawyer.

Re: So sad here..should I go?

I am you 23 years later. DONT have children if you are
not happy now. Having children will make things harder
in the long run. I have the same relationship you have
but with children. The children are now 18,15 and I
cant support myself and them!! I want you to look very
hard at your current situation and wonder how he would
be with children. Would he help with children? if he
don't help with anything now then he wont with them either.
And your attention from him will be directed to the children. That doesn't go well either, trust me. You think
your tired of doing everything now, add some little ones
under your feet!!! If you are young then you have a long future ahead of you and you can find love again!!
So sorry but I wish someone would have told me to get out
before the children came along. I love me children don't get me wrong!!! but not with him.