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Discouraged and Defeated

I need some advice,
1st thing is I don't feel comfortable with my kids spending time with their father however according to my attorney his crazy sexual seeking behavior is not enough to prove his judgment and priorities. So I am just so frustrated as a mother it is my job to Protect my child yet the court is basically saying no let's let something bad happen then you can do something... it's crazy!

But I also requested that while we are working on "fighting" for sole custody that I would also like to include in for me the option to move within the state but 4-5 hrs away... my attorney's response to this request was the courts in Arizona are clearly against relocating your children away from the father and very few make it through the court's scrutiny without losing custody of my children.

I guess since this is my first Lawyer and divorce I am confused isn't that why I am paying her THOUSANDS of dollars to fight for what I want? I Guess at this point I am thinking about switching attorney's but I'm afraid to have to start all over with the new attorney and spend that $ 2 times? the attorney I would like to use charges $250 just to have a consult. what to do?

Re: Discouraged and Defeated

Denielle: Maybe supervised visitation is the answer. Make sure your Attorney lets the Judge know about his behavior. In time, as your kids get older, they will form an opinion of him and realize that this behavior is inappropriate. Take it from someone who has a 25 year old adult child and friends with kids who have been through the divorce process and are now grown.

Re: Discouraged and Defeated

I have to deal with my stbx having issues with alcohol .. 3 DUI's in one lifetime is 3 to many .. there have been other issues as well.

What I have learned and I'm still in process with the divorce is pick your battles. It costs less money and I do not pick up the phone every time I have a gripe or question. I wait for my atty to call me. I also am insistent that whatever contact the atty's have is appropriate to the case meaning I'm not paying for a 50$ (plus 250 an hour) lunch meeting about my case .. forget that!

Document, keep a timeline, my stbx .. misses his visitation. In the beginning for him it was about looking good now .. he has to much guilt and can't be bothered most of the time .. it's a hit and a miss on visitation. In fact if the kids don't call him .. he doesn't remember.

Do you have actual evidence or is this just your say so against his? At least the Judge I deal with .. he wants facts .. leave the emotions out of it .. if it brings drama to the court room it ****** him off big time. So stick to the facts and leave the other stuff out UNESS you have actual evidence .. your atty will know how best to handle the situation in terms of what is the judge like.

When I attend court I sit RIGHT UP FRONT .. you would be amazed as to what atty's will discuss right in front of you if they think they don't know you are paying attention .. I have learned a LOT about courtroom stuff and court is not what you see on TV either.

I have spent thousands of dollars and time .. some well spent some I see as wasted .. do yourself a favor and just try and let the system do the work .. court is not fast by any means.

We are here for you .. hugs L :)

Re: Discouraged and Defeated

I am separated and is struggling to pay rent. I am very angry with my stbx because we had started a project together and where we both contributed financially now that project is left completely on me and I don't have all the money to complete it. Based on this I think that I am going to have to start over financially by the time this project plus the divorce is over. We are not divorced yet and he does not contribute. Technically we are still married and he gives me nothing for the rent of bills-nothing.
God will take care of me.

Re: Discouraged and Defeated

Dear Phyllis,

Have you been in contact with an attorney? Your attorney, with help from God, will take care of you -- if you're separated it's possible your stbx should be paying you support. Yes, even before the divorce is final. Talk to someone who knows -- an attorney - don't rely on what your friends or family have said (not saying you did this, just cautioning against it).