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Re: A long emotiona road

Dear Emily,

It sounds like you need an extended NO INFORMATION time with regards to ANYTHING about your ex. Whatever/whoever your source is, tell them to stop. You not only don't want to hear it, you can't. Because it's making you ill. You don't need to compare, you don't need to dive into the whys, you don't need the grief.

It's time once again to stop yourself each and every time your brain turns to thinking about him. Say it out loud if needed, immediately turn your thoughts to something else, shake him out of your head.

Now if the $ he is spending needs to come to the attention of your attorney....that's another matter.

Hang in there. Hugs.

Re: A long emotiona road

Sounds to me that he's going through his 'bucket list' really, really fast. From what you are saying,... maybe he's panicing at '70'. The "I wants", and "must have's" before it's gone. The face and body look 50, but inside, he's 70 and he knows it! I say, 'look the other way and enjoy your life' ! ! !